Saturday, February 12, 2011

Reflection on Class #3

My brain is on overload but I think that is a good thing.  Today's class was full of so much valuable information, from our discussion at the start of class about the use of the Flips and Digital Wish and Tech Directors integrating with Teaching and Learning, to the TED video, to igoogle, to slide share, to creating a form in google docs.  WOW.  One small little part of our morning discussion - using Google Docs for our RTI meetings - really has me thinking.  I LOVE that idea and I am going to bring it to our IT dept. and Teaching and Learning to see if they can figure out a way for the information to be secure and remain confidential or on a "need to know" basis.  I'm also pretty excited about the creation of forms in Google Docs.  I've used Survey Monkey before and I find it to be really easy, but google forms seems pretty easy as well.  Actually - I'm wondering if the "results" feature in google forms will be easier to read/interpret.  Actually - it's really not that bad in Survey Monkey, so maybe my overall question is - why google forms rather than Survey Monkey - or are they pretty much the same?  Lastly - for anyone that has looked at my google form from the link on my blog - I try to survey my staff every couple of years regarding those "things we do", hoping that I will never be that Principal that when I'm replaced - the staff say "Please get rid of "x" - we don't know why we have had to do it year after year.  It was just Laura's pet project"!

1 comment:

  1. Survey Monkey is good, but it eventually costs $, where Google forms is free and stays free. Survey Monkey puts out great graphs and charts--I've used it extensively a few years ago. However, with Google's easy interface and integrated approach with all the apps, it's just easier for me to stick with Google. I never need all the complex features of SM anyway.

    It was a bit of an overload today--glad we scaled back a bit because I planned the web work, too! I think that would have pushed everyone over the top! We'll tackle that one another time.
